Developingthe Child Within
An early years learning centre for children aged between 3-6 years
We are a proud member of the Innoventures Education family.
Raffles Starters is a bright and spacious purpose built early learning centre for children aged between 3 – 6 years old. We follow the English curricular’s of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and English National Curriculum (ENC). Raffles Starters uses the Early Learning Goals to help your child build strong foundations. The teachers focus on the four guiding principles’ of the EYFS including the Unique Child, Positive Relationships and Enabling Environments and Learning and Development and deliver high quality learning and development opportunities for the children in our care. The learning and development requirements take into account the fact that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates, and that all areas of learning and development are inter-connected and are equally important in contributing towards children’s development.